Web applications are possibly one of the most visible and impacting types of software that we test. With potentially unlimited users, a comprehensively tested web application can be the difference between losing or gaining clients. The following 10 categories cover the most critical items in making sure that a web application is ready to be deployed. We have also included a web testing checklist to guide you through each category.

  1. Effectiveness and Efficiency: Users of the system must be able to efficiently achieve the tasks they attempt with the system in minimal time with appropriate level of cognitive effort.
  2. Orientation & Navigation: Users must always know where they are in the system or process, how to return to previous steps and what steps can be taken next.
  3. Flexibility & User: Users should be allowed to conduct tasks in a flexible way. They should be able to work in the way that most suits them depending on individual situations, including stopping and returning to work as needed and not being forced to follow rigid paths.
  4. Stick to the “Real World”: The system should speak the users’ language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Users should be able to complete system tasks in a similar way to offline tasks. Grouping of items should suit the way users think and need to use.
  5. Recognition Rather than Recall: The user should not have to remember information from one part of the dialogue to another. Minimize the user’s memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible.
  6. Error Management: The system should support users in three areas of error management – avoiding error, identifying an error has occurred and allowing users to recover from error.
  7. Feedback: The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
  8. Consistency: Consistency allows users to learn new systems or parts of systems easily, based on their previous experiences. It minimizes cognitive load as they do not have to wonder if different words, situations or actions mean similar or different things. The system should be internally consistent and consistent with platform standards (e.g. if it runs in a browser, it should follow browser standards)
  9. Visual design & aesthetics: The application should be attractive!
  10. Accessibility: The application should be accessible for people with disabilities.

Note: Depending on size, complexity, and corporate policies, modify the steps to meet your specific web application testing needs.

For the complete web application checklist, click here: QualiTest Web App Testing Cheatsheet.

Check out this slideshare for more details!