QualiTest Group, the largest Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Testing services provider in the world, announced today it has been accepted as an Ecosystem Partner in the Intel® Network Builders Program, the goal of which is to accelerate network transformation with the development and deployment of proven software-defined networking (SDN) and NFV solutions for telecom and data center networks.

The program seeks to increase ecosystem alignment, connecting service providers and end users with the infrastructure, software and technology vendors that are driving new solutions to the market. Members have access to a comprehensive reference library of proven solutions to build and optimize software-defined infrastructure based on today’s telecommunications, cloud, and enterprise datacenter requirements.

QualiTest offers a comprehensive NFV testing solution that begins during the planning phase and proceeds through PoC’s and production on an on-going basis. The Pivot skills of QualiTest addresses challenges such as compliance to the ETSI standards and testing the NFV life cycle, including the orchestration and migration phases.

Bryon Lowen, VP of Telco at Qualitest, stated, “We are anticipating a huge skills pivot for software testers, as more automated testing and adjustment to software will be required for the shift to NFV. We anticipate that the best way to accelerate this skills pivot will be through the cooperation found in the Intel Network Builders Program”.

With over 160 Intel Network Builder partners and a growing network of end user members, QualiTest is quite pleased to be positioned along with the leading infrastructure, software and technology vendors leading the way to the NFV revolution.

About QualiTest

QualiTest designs and delivers contextualized solutions that leverage deep industry-specific understanding with technology-specific competencies and unique testing-focused assets. QualiTest delivers results by combining customer-centric business models, critical thinking and the ability to gain a profound comprehension of customers’ goals and challenges.

QualiTest offers a comprehensive NFV testing strategy and implementation solution, starting during the planning phase through production on an on-going basis, via POC’s. In addition, QualiTest offers a testing certification process complying NFV vendors to the ESTI NFV standards.