Cyber security, and AppSec in particular, is about frontloading mitigations to potential loss or theft of corporate IP or digital assets risk. The list of risks that a lacking cyber security strategy can have huge implications on your organization’s finance, reputation, cause regulatory and legal problems, not to mention the biggest factor – your customers’ safety and wellbeing.
Relying on Play Store and App Store to enforce AppSec is not an option, the responsibility to protect the attack surface falls on the developer. Having effective security while maintaining velocity requires effective and optimized automation to ensure high efficiency, low costs, good coverage. Our experts will share from their experience and provide insights into how to achieve that.
In this webinar, we will discuss:
- Cyber Security and Medical Devices/Healthcare: Trends, Impact, Risks
- Challenges with Mobile Automation Security – The Misconception
- How to Do Automated Security Right
Join Aaron Schneider, Senior Solution Architect and Daya Krishnappa, VP Cyber Security, to learn how you can adopt mobile continuous security testing as well as step up your overall cyber security strategy.